Our quality promise to you

At Crimp and Pring we purveyors search far and wide for recipes that are premium quality, and made using the finest ingredients. We have tested, tasted, explored and scrutinised. We have done the work to ensure our products are premium.

We work with dedicated and professional manufacturing partners, who have the robust food safety and quality management systems in place to ensure product consistency from flavour profiles down to the label on the box.

We are also members of Campden Food and Drink Research Association, the UK’s leading food research organisation, with specialist expertise on hand at all times.

We follow food trends and our development programme is ongoing. Watch this space for new products.

We promise to deal with customer queries promptly, and our customer care service is friendly, professional and innovative. We want you to enjoy the Crimp and Pring experience. Please let us have your comments and suggestions.

Crimp and Pring products movie

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